Module 1: Introduction to building sustainable communities
Module 2: Opportunities for community regeneration
Module 3: Placemaking a powerful tool for community regeneration
Module 4: Turning community regeneration ideas into action
Module 5: Financing your community regeneration projects
Module 6: Sustaining success and future planning

How to find grants
This page tells you about different ways to search for grants. It also has some recommended steps for first time grant applicants. If you came here looking for a grant search or list of grants go straight to Funding Central's search tool.

Grants | The Community Foundation
Access this section for all the information and support needed for grant applicants including information on making an application, reporting requirements and frequently asked questions.

COMIC RELIEF: Apply for a Covid-19 Community Grant (England) | Groundwork
Your privacy is important to us. We want to be sure you know how and why we use your data. View our Privacy Statement for more details. This also includes information on how we use cookies. Accept

What types of COVID-19 projects we can fund
We’re working with specialist partners to reach specific groups as quickly as we can. And we have information for our existing grantholders during COVID-19 too.

Connected Communities Match Fund | Crowdfunder.co.uk
Up to £10,000 match funding to tackle poverty and isolation in outer London

Partnering with progressive organisations in Ireland and across Europe, we create lasting economic IMPACT locally, regionally and nationally.

Sutton Community Farm Crowdfunding Video 2013
Here’s the video from our 2013 Crowdfunding Campaign, where we raised an incredible £17,172 from the community. This support was vital in helping our fledgin...

Community Shares
The Community Shares Unit is here to support enterprises, promote good practice and raise awareness

The Community Shares Handbook
The definitive guide for community shares - covering all the relevant legal requirements and voluntary good practice standards for share offers

Community Shares Case Study - Rush Farm, Worcestershire
A Community Shares Unit film, telling the story of how Sebastian Parsons and his sisters sold Rush Farm to the local community, who raised the money through ...

Glyncoch Community Centre
The Glyncoch Community Centre Stephen Fry backs ex-mining town’s 11th hour bid to crowdfund a new community centre The town of Glyncoch, South Wales, had been fighting for seven years to build a much needed community centre. They had raised 95% of their funding goal but on

National Development Plan 2018 - 2027
The National Development Plan (NDP) sets out the investment priorities that will underpin the successful implementation of the National Planning Framework through a total investment of approximately €116 billion.

Objective of the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund
The aim of the URDF is to stimulate new residential and commercial development in our larger cities and towns. These new developments will be supported by new services and amenities, and will help us to achieve the ‘compact growth’ that was set out in Project Ireland 2040.

Eligibility for the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund
The application process for Call 2 is also based on competitive bids. There have been some refinements to the second call in order to focus on NPF priority actions and locations.

How to apply for the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund
The window for applications for funding under Call 2 of the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund opened on 1 February 2020 and closes at 12 noon on Friday 29 May 2020.

activelink | the online network for Irish nonprofit organisations
Activelink is the premier online network for non-profit organisations. We provide information on jobs, tenders, volunteering, events, fundraising & training

"Activelink works with non-profit organisations to develop online communications in the public interest, to promote action and participation and to foster the sharing of ideas, experience and information for a better world."

Town and Village Renewal Scheme
The Town and Village Renewal Scheme was first introduced in 2016. It is managed on behalf of the Department by the local authorities, and the programme is funded under Project Ireland 2040. The Scheme is targeted at towns and villages with a population of 10,000 or less and all projects funded under the Scheme must be completed within a 12 to 18 month period.

New COVID 19 Grants
The Community Foundation for Ireland and its partners believe in equality for all in thriving communities. We work with individuals, families, corporates and other trusts and foundations as well as Government to translate giving in the moment to giving that is strategic, sustainable and impactful. We use our skills and knowledge developed over 21-years to help donors turn aspirations into effective investments.

EU Leader Programme - David Ross
David Ross talks about how EU Leader programme funding helped kick start a successful tourism project in Drimoleague, Co. Cork

Community Grants | Network for Europe
Community Grants form an integral part of the European Structural Fundsi and are funded through the European Social Fund (ESFi). Community Grants in the North West are small grants up to a maximum of £12,000 available to community groups to help develop their skills and capacity to help people in de…